
Yoga is a spiritual, mental and physical practice that transforms the body inside and out.  It is a workout which involves both body and mind.  Yoga Practice helps you explore and discover various aspects of yourself. Yoga boost confidence which allows you to feel good about yourself and enhance your ability to take a positive approach in life.

Yoga includes the following health benefits:

  • Weight reduction– burn calories It encourages weight loss
  • Injury protection– Yoga helps with toning which prevents muscle strains.
  • Helps you sleep better-Yoga reduces stress and creates realization.  A relaxed body gets a deeper, peaceful and more restful sleep.
  • Boosts metabolism-Yoga helps to retain vitality and improves the metabolic system of the body.
  • Increases flexibility-Yoga increases flexibility and enables the performance of complex asanas.
  • Builds muscle strength-Yoga helps strengthen weak muscles of the body.
    Improves posture-Long office hours at a desk impacts posture that certain yoga asanas can improve.
  • Helps in lowering blood sugar-Yoga lowers bad cholesterol and boosts good cholesterol. Yoga also lowers blood sugar and improves the body’s sensitivity to insulin.
  •  Improves lung function- Yoga strengthens the chest muscles, increase lung capacity, improve breathing and boost oxygen intake. 
  • Increases blood flow-Yoga relaxation exercises regulates blood to throughout the  body.
  • Keep diseases at bay-Yoga exercises boosts our immunity to fight off diseases.
  • Increases self-esteem-Yoga is one of the best ways to build self-confidence and self-esteem. Yoga enhances clarity of the mind by focusing on balance and posture. Confidence is having a healthy belief in yourself. The ability to live life to the fullest with extraordinary love, laughter and heart filling joy requires you to know who you are, and be proud of who you are.   Self-confidence is beneficial to  every person.

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